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What spiritual meaning do the gemstones have?

In this blog you can read more about the spiritual meaning, chakras and location of the gemstones that Relaxing Spirit offers.

Each gemstone has its own effect. It can give you energy or ensure better sleep. It can provide protection, but also help with fears.

Gemstone pendant drop agate

Increase self-confidence, self-insight and courage. Gives a zest for life, for extra stability and self-control. Provides a lot of grounding and balance. Improves concentration. Provides inner peace. Relieves homesickness and reduces feelings of doubt. Stimulates metabolism. Helps against hair loss, poisoning and bedwetting. Protective stone for pregnancy. Colored agate is often handmade. Real agate with a color in it. Basic and Chakraal Chakra.
Location: USA, India, Morocco, Czech Republic, Brazil and Africa.
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Gemstone Tumbled stones and pocket stones Amazonite

Standing up for yourself builds self-confidence. You become more assertive and learn to say “no” more often. Taking matters into your own hands and supporting willpower. Gives freedom in your heart. Soothes traumas and lifts worries and fears. Good for the eyes, has a skin-forming effect. For fungal disease, contact dermatitis and fissures. For chapped lips, itching and hives. Absorbs radiation. Heart and Throat Chakra.
Location: USA, Russia, Canada, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Namibia and Australia.
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Helps release fear and feelings of hatred. Helps with tension (also in space) and addictions. For spiritual insight and contact. Inner peace, meditations, intuition and spiritual insight. Calming effect for the heart. Strengthens the nerves. Helps with menstrual complaints, headaches and migraines. Spiritual power and cleansing. Discharge other gems. Discolours in sunlight. Angel Stone Archangel Zadkiel. Crown and 3rd Eye Chakra.
Location: USA, Great Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, East Africa, Siberia and India.
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Gemstone Tumbled Stones and Pocket Stones Amethyst Quartz
Amethyst Quartz (BandAmethyst)
Relieve stress. Adds positive energy. Helps release fear and feelings of hatred. Helps with tension (also in space) and addictions. For spiritual insight and contact. Inner peace, meditations, intuition and spiritual insight. Calming effect for the heart. Strengthens the nerves. Helps with menstrual complaints, headaches and migraines. Spiritual power and cleansing. Discolours in sunlight. Brings different layers in our auric field into contact with each other. Has a grounding effect. Crown Chakra.
Location: USA, Great Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, East Africa, Siberia and India.
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Gemstone Tumbled Stones and Pocket Stones Sale Ametrine
Provides inner peace, control and resignation. Gives energy, helps relax and combats nervousness, with weak motor skills. Helps get out of depression and provides positivity. Helps you to develop further and tackle new things. Ensures that you stand in your own strength. Promotes creativity and meditation. Good to use if you are afraid of something new. For spiritual fears, fear of going outside. Good for the nervous system, promotes cleansing and vitalization of tissues and cells. Works for tension headaches. Combination of Amethyst and Citrine. 3rd Eye and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Location: Bolivia.
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Support for clear communication. Helps to be open and honest. Supportive in expressing feelings and emotions. Calming and soothing stone. Promotes inner peace, empathy, compassion and compassion. Reduces anxiety and stress in a situation. Helps make spiritual contact. Opens more spiritual inspiration. Contact with angel energy, also called angel stone. Balances your chakras. Throat and Third Eye Chakra.

Location: Germany, Chile, Japan, Russia, Brazil, Peru, UK, Egypt, Mexico
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Gemstone Tumbled stones and pocket stones Apatite
Makes you open, social and confident. Promotes creativity and is motivating. Stimulates communication and expression. Ensures success and zest for life. Promotes spiritual, mental and physical development and growth. Helps with recovery from exhaustion and burnout. Reduces anxiety, worry and anger. Provides better blood circulation. Good for groups and colds. Stimulates good digestion and has a strong effect on the immune system. Throat and Heart Chakra.
Location: India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan.

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Put your feet on the ground. Very good for stress caused by work. Gives courage, interest and ensures that you remain yourself. Helps with mental development, promotes concentration. Reduces nervousness and stress. Grounding, patience and acceptance. Promotes muscle building and elasticity. Relieves pains. Provides spiritual development. 3rd Eye and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Location: Namibia, Great Britain, Spain.
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Helps release heart troubles. Provides good luck, prosperity and life force. Protects against radiation. When you are unable to express yourself properly, it promotes creativity. Helps against skin complaints/rashes due to stress. Calms anger and irritation. Heals wounds, stops nosebleeds. Helps against excessive hair loss and acne. Difficulty with physical touch. Do not use in case of cardiac arrhythmia or pacemaker. Heart Chakra.
Location: Italy, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Tibet and Nepal.
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Rock crystal
Most powerful healer and energy booster. Can bring happiness, vitality, is full of positive energy. Purifies space and people, inner stability. Strengthens your intuition and brings order. Relieves anxiety and physical complaints. Helps against depression, dizziness and headaches. For heart complaints, abdominal cramps, bladder infections and menstrual complaints. Provides extra strength during heavy periods. Protects the aura against radiation. Cleanses and balances the chakras. Spiritual power and cleansing. Charging other gemstones. Strengthens other gems. Works on all Chakras.
Location: Worldwide.
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Blue Calcite
Expressing emotions and feelings, putting deepest feelings into words. Soothes emotional pain and sadness, also in children. Very good emotional stone, which is experienced as mild. Very suitable for sensitive, emotional people. For recovery and relaxation. Ensures better interaction. Accelerates spiritual development. Amplifier and purifier of energy. Throat Chakra.
Location: USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil.
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Gemstone Tumbled Stones and Pocket Stones Blue Lace Agate & Chalcedony
Blue Lace Agate / Chalcedony 
A healing and comforting stone. Provides peace of mind. Protects against fears. Provides cooling and is calming. Heals inner wounds. Enables free expression, communication. Learns to express thoughts and feelings. Dissolves old patterns of oppression. Liberating and accepting sensitive natures. Powerful healer of the throat. Reduces fever, strengthens the skeleton and heals fractures. Throat chakra.
Location: USA, India, Morocco, Czech Republic, Brazil and Africa.
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Gemstone Tumbled stones and pocket stones Botswana agate
Provides a good mood and has a grounding effect. Increase self-confidence, self-insight and courage. Gives a calm and down-to-earth attitude. Provides balance and works against depression. Provides support when studying, for concentration. Helps with acceptance and letting go. Provides inner peace and balance. Stimulates metabolism. Helps with skin complaints, such as rashes and eczema. Protects the aura. Base and Heart Chakra.
Location: Botswana
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Gemstone Tumbled stones and Carnelian pocket stones
Provides more energy, cheerfulness and is stimulating. Helps against nightmares and fear of death. Has a calming, warming and grounding effect. Protection against jealousy and anger. Grounding and brings success and creativity. Provides action and self-confidence. Good for digestion. Diabetes, ear infections, intestinal disorders and bladder infections. Facial pain, phantom pain and muscle pain. Allow emotions to flow through the lower Chakras. In animals with chronic bladder infections, put the stone in the drinking bowl. Sacral Chakra.
Location: Great Britain, India, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania.
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Gemstone Tumbled Stones and Pocket Stones Crazy Lace Agate
Crazy Lace Agate
Gives cheerfulness, makes you more impulsive. Frees creativity, gives freedom to the mind. Provides spontaneity when life is a routine. Shows you the bright side of life, earthly and spiritual. For decisiveness, focus and being goal-oriented. Balances your energy and is grounding. Encourages people to do something new. Breaks patterns, for sick people. Good for the eyes and activates the heart. Stimulates metabolism. Protects the aura. Solar Plexus and Earth Chakra.
Location: USA, India, Morocco, Czech Republic, Brazil and Africa.
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Good stone for study, increases concentration. Provides clarity and focus. Removes negative energy and provides great protection. Provides order and structure. For aura healing and care and finding inner peace. Analgesic. Reduces tension in the neck, shoulders and elbows. Good for the teeth and helps against varicose veins. Good for growing children. Aura healing and care. Cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Works through the auric field.
Location: USA, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Norway, China, Peru, Mexico and Brazil.
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Also called blizzardstone and mystic merlinite. Stone of patience. Is a grounding stone. Helps to deepen meditation and psychic abilities. Also works well during shamanic journeys. Improves communication, choosing words better. Can bring up old emotions and issues. Process by looking at it from a distance. Provides new insights and makes you think more deeply. Helps let go and is protective for people who pick up energy quickly. Strengthens the immune system. Healing effect on heart and blood. Can reduce hot flashes and helps relax. Expand your aura. Works on all Chakras and brings them into balance.
Location: Italy, South Africa, USA, Switzerland, Poland.
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Gemstone Tumbled Stones and Pocket Stones Golden Healer
Golden Healer (Limonite Quartz)
A stone that drains emotions to the earth. Makes you stronger in your feelings and to become stronger in your heart. Let yourself be listened to and help you become yourself. Provides many insights into yourself and tackles current problems. Makes you let go of what no longer serves you. For people who are looking for their own place on earth and for themselves. Connects your feelings with the earth and responds better to current changes. Peace and space in the head. Provides better grounding. Gives high vibrations and new age crystal (lemurium). Works on all Chakras.
Location: Madagascar, Brazil and Tibet.
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Golden Triangle
(Amethyst, Rock Crystal and Rose Quartz)
Energetically connected and strengthening each other. Always provide the best energy. Provides love, insight, harmony, balance, peace and strength. Works on all Chakras and its Angel Stones (Archangel Zadkiel and Chamuel). Can provide support for various complaints. Releasing tensions/addictions. For mental, physical and spatial cleansing. Makes you happy and helps with spiritual insight and contact. Promotes spiritual growth and gives self-esteem. Learns to feel love and let it in again. Purifies the space. Works on all chakras.
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Gemstone Tumbled Stones and Bag Stones Garnet
Gives spirit and perseverance. Gives self-confidence. Gives a lot of energy and has a powerful recovery. Promotes clairvoyance and strengthens and opens the heart. Inspires love and devotion. Helps against stress and helps against inflammation. For cardiac arrhythmias and anemia. Dispels lethargy and fatigue. Lack of sexual energy. Activates and strengthens other gemstones. Cleanses the chakras and gives them new energy. Solar Plexus and 3rd Eye Chakra.
Location: Worldwide
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Green Calcite
A powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Makes positive and optimistic. Makes you flexible and lets go of old thinking and behavioral patterns. Brings clarity and balance to feelings and emotions. Strongly detoxifying and increases self-confidence. Makes you aware of karmic sadness and helps you to release it. Beneficial effect on the muscles and joints. Connects all chakras and cleanses the heart chakra. Contains a lot of angel energy. Helps therapists to come into the light and pass it on (lightworkers). Heart Chakra.
Location: USA, Great Britain, Iceland, Peru.
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Green Tourmaline (Verdelite in quartz)
Healing, grounding stone. Gives joie de vivre and a good mood. Helps with strength, energy and perseverance. Provides protection from energy and radiation. Accepts feelings and patience. Provides balance and creativity. Convert negative energy into positive energy. Provides a confident attitude. Stimulates growth and flowering. Helps you connect with nature. Helps with spiritual journeys. Helps with sleeping. Good support for chronic fatigue and exhaustion. Aura is brought into balance. Cleanses all chakras, especially heart chakra.
Location: Brazil, Australia, USA, Italy, Africa, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan.

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Protective, purifying and grounding. Gives you strength and courage. Provides warmth and energy, not helpful during sleep. Helps in the search for more light and meaning in life. Increase your self-confidence and break behavioral patterns. Promotes self-esteem. Brings balance and harmony between mind, soul and body. Relieves anxiety. Connection between the earthly and spiritual world. Protection during spiritual journeys. Cleanses other gemstones. Earth Chakra.
Location: Worldwide
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Lets you be yourself again and encourages you to do so. Promotes positive energy and protects against negative influences. Provides purity and serenity. Promotes self-reliance and provides insights. Teaches you to listen to your body. Strong healing stone, helps you through difficult periods. For people who have to deal with a lot of blows. Helps heal deep heartbreak. Gives beautiful dreams. Works very well on self-esteem, defense, faith and protection. For heart problems, shortness of breath, hyperventilation and anxiety/phobias. Heart Chakra.
Location: USA, China, Italy, Myanmar, Russia and Middle East.
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Prevents emptying and is protective. Provides self-confidence and perseverance. Gives a realistic view of life. Self-reflection, truth and intuition. Calms an overactive mind. Increases awareness and helps with changes. Helps with processing experiences and impressions. Protects and restores the aura, protects against negativity. Promotes spirituality and contact with subconscious mind. Helps with stress and snoring. For sensitive children and HSPs. Works through the auric field.
Location: Italy, Greenland, Finland, Russia, Canada and Scandinavia.
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Lapis Lazuli
Friendship stone, gives love to neighbor. Provides human knowledge and insights into situations, ourselves, environment and work. What am I doing and what do I need to change? Is confrontational and encourages creativity. Relieves stress and creates peace. Helps express feelings and emotions. Creates love and friendship relationships. Ensures action. For insomnia, epilepsy and anxiety. Prevents depression. Opens the 3rd eye. Angel Stone (Archangel Michael) Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra.
Location: Italy, Afghanistan, Chile, Russia, Italy, USA, Egypt and Middle East.
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Lemurian crystal
Very powerful crystal with a high vibration frequency. Gives energy and makes you creative. Strengthens self-healing capacity. Detects blockages and replenishes energy. Helps open up to new things. Spiritual growth. Good stone for meditation and contact with angels and guides. Good for various physical complaints. Helps against nausea, ear problems, motion sickness. Helps to cleanse and balance chakras. All chakras.
Location: Brazil.
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For clarity of mind. Connected to the moon and intuition. Balances masculine and feminine energies. Emotional balance and is calming. Develops clairvoyance and strengthens paranormal abilities. For people with highly variable moods. Protects during long journeys over water. For better water management, at PMS. Promotes pregnancy. Angel Stone (Archangel Uriel). 3rd Eye Chakra.
Location: India, Sri Lanka and Australia.
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Promotes flexibility, gives liveliness. Good meditation stone to get deeper into meditation. Brings you back to your roots. Desire for new experiences. Helps you make the right choice. Helps you switch off, makes you act more calmly and teaches you to count to ten. Strengthens immune system and heals wounds. Purifies the liver and kidneys, gives vitality. The purple variant puts you on your spiritual path. Aboriginal stone. Earth Chakra.
Location: Worldwide.
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Turn your gaze inward and show clarity of vision and clarity of mind. Shield against negativity and relieves tension. Works quickly and powerfully. Removes energy blockages. Brings up emotions and truths to process, possibly in combination with a therapist. Stimulates spiritual development. Growth at all levels. Relieves mental fatigue. If blood pressure is too high, it promotes skin recovery after injury. Strengthens the skeleton and vertebrae. Improves the function of the ovaries and testes. Less suitable for children, it can be experienced as intense. Crown Chakra.
Location: Mexico and Worldwide.
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Gemstone pendant drop onyx
Gives strength, perseverance and provides support during stress. Gives self-confidence and makes you feel at ease. Encourages you to live life to the full again. Strengthens the conscience, increases spiritual inspiration. Helps to heal old sorrows. Balance between Yin and Yang. Helps against worry and despair, good for concentration, calms restless natures. Promotes hearing and hair growth. Combats asthma and helps with Ménière's disease. Earth Chakra.
Location: Mexico, Italy, USA, Russia, Brazil and South Africa.

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Orange/Orchid Calcite
tA powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Makes you happy, helps you to interact lovingly with others. Provides change, helps you fall asleep. Balances emotions. Chases away anxiety and overcomes depression. Accelerates spiritual development. Helps against heartburn. Light point in sick room. Connects all Chakras to each other and helps to release emotions. Works via the solar plexus to process your own emotions. Solar Plexus Chakra. Location: USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil.

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Unconditional love. Deep meditation in which contact is made with the higher self. Promotes prior knowledge and inner knowledge. Gives freedom in your heart again. Helps you to process heavy pieces that are on your heart. Learn to accept yourself as you are. Provides solutions in difficult situations. Helps against fat accumulation and arteriosclerosis. For good digestion. Helps with muscle paralysis, gas formation and chronic throat infections. Archangel Raphael. Heart Chakra. Location: South Africa

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Strongly insightful and positive stone. Energy shield and better concentration. Makes open, direct and honest. Relieves anxiety and frustration. Self-knowledge, mirror for yourself and have confidence. For intense meditation, improves grounding. Analgesic. For flu symptoms, bronchitis and strengthens the muscles. For abnormal and painful menstruation. For ulcers and abscesses. Should not be submerged in water, it will rust. Earth Chakra.
Location: Great Britain, North America, Chile and Peru.

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Provides a positive attitude. Increase self-esteem. Protective for sensitive people. Brings out suppressed feelings to be acknowledged. Nice stone for the heart and relationships. Reduces emotional stress. Selfless love and compassion. Filters irritations and relieves asthma & migraines. Cleanses the solar plexus and base chakras. Heart Chakra. Location: Spain, Russia, Sweden, Germany, Mexico and Brazil.

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Stabilizes emotions and nourishes love. Builds self-confidence. Teaches you to listen to your own heart again. Balances Yin and Yang. Improves memory. Supports mental processes. Heals emotional wounds and scars. For mental fatigue, for irritable people. Supports shy people. Lowers blood pressure. Directly affects the parathyroid gland. Heart and 3rd eye Chakra.
Location: Spain, Russia, Sweden, Germany, Mexico and Brazil.
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Gemstone pendant drop of red jasper
Red Jasper
Purifying and grounding. Provides support in times of stress and provides peace. Provides extra positive energy and a lot of warmth. Promotes mental clarity and emotional stability. You gain strength faster. For people who have difficulty connecting with the earth. Helps with willpower. Helps with pregnancy vomiting, stomach pain, kidney diseases, biliary disorders and liver infections. For inflammation in the body. Aligns the chakras. Provides better grounding and therefore opens the Earth Chakra. Earth and Crown Chakra.
Location: Worldwide.
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Smoky quartz
Gives you focus, concentration and makes your dreams come true. Provides change and a new start. Strengthens your will to live and confidence in a good outcome. Helps you relax more and puts things into perspective. Makes breaking old patterns easier. Helps with stress, grief and sadness. Can help with headaches and menstrual complaints. Can have a positive influence on hormone balance. Ensures an energetic flow in the meridians. Helps you ground and absorbs negative energies. Solar Plexus and Base Chakra. Location: Scotland

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Pink Tourmaline (Rubelite in Quartz)
Good stone against stress and imbalance. Makes you more vulnerable, accepts love and stimulates sexuality. Removes blockages around love and softens your heart. Stimulates concentration and is calming. Provides mental and emotional balance and cleansing. Helps overactive people to become calmer and is grounding. Helps against anxiety and provides joy and concentration. Strengthens and heals the endocrine system and the immune system. Cleanses all chakras, especially heart chakra.
Location: Brazil, Australia, USA, Italy, Africa, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan.

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Rose quartz
Unconditional love and infinite peace. Gives self-respect and teaches you to feel and allow love again. Learns to love himself. Promotes relationships and romance. Strengthens empathy. For harmony and balance. Calming in sadness, reassuring and comforting. Helps against homesickness and jealousy. Promotes mental growth, gives creativity and imagination. For babies who have difficulty being alone and also reduces abdominal cramps. For physical strength and cleansing. Angel Stone (Archangel Chamuel). Heart Chakra.
Location: South Africa, Brazil, USA, India, Japan and Madagascar.

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Selenite (Satin Spat)
Good meditation stone, helps to get thoughts out of the head. Helps shield negative energy. Brings you back to your own soul and strengthens intuition. Cleanses your body and also your spiritual body. Protective and in control of yourself. Recognize insights and own patterns. Showing you the path you should take promotes telepathy. Balance, tranquility and peace and stabilizes emotions. Angel stone, sleep stone (put in pillow) and spiritual stone. For doubters. Cleanses the aura. Can help against rashes and eczema. Cannot withstand water. Discharging and charging other gemstones. Crown Chakra.
Location: Mexico, Russia, USA, Austria, Greece, Poland, Germany, France and England.

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Become the boss of your own life. Makes positive and optimistic. Provides protection from negative energy. Brings balance to body, emotions and mind. Has a calming effect, helping with stress and tension. Provides inner peace and helps with fatigue. Nice to use during meditation, making connections with nature. Let life energy flow again. Helps with nervousness, chronic fatigue. Helps with losing weight and taking up new things. Activates immune system. Activates the functioning of the thymus. Clearing the entire aura. Heart Chakra.
Location: Greece, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Italy, Canada, Russia, England, USA, Peru.

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Best stone for radiation protection. Calms, comforts and is calming. Helps to feel and see more clearly. Grounding and purifying the space. Helps with insomnia. Absorbs negative energies and influences. Supports illness and has a healing effect. Anti-inflammatory and cooling. Reduces allergies, stress and tension. Stimulates the body to heal and shortens healing processes. Cleanses and detoxifies the body. Earth Chakra.
Location: Russia
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Snow quartz
Can strengthen and develop our inner strength, gives new strength. Provides clarity and increases intuition. Supports learning lessons and new things. Improves tact and cooperation. Balances yin and yang energy. Helps you think before you speak. Provides relief from anger. For balance and balance disorders. Helps against car, air and sea sickness. Good for the lungs, intestines, skin and nerves. All Chakras.
Location: Worldwide.
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Snowflake obsidian
Stimulates mental and spiritual growth. Strengthens insights. Helps to process old pains and traumatic experiences. Helps clear blockages and tensions. Discharges negative energy. Has a relaxing effect on anxiety due to fear and trauma. Provides grounding, also in spiritual development. Ideal if you are looking for your own gifts. Helps against worrying and grinding. Reduces pain and tension. Against eye diseases, cataracts, watery eyes. Also suitable for children. Earth and Crown chakra.
Location: Germany, Mexico, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Bolivia.
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Brings you into balance, helps with expression and creativity. Helps you gain insight, makes you diligent. Ensures harmony, trust and solidarity. Calms the mind and creates space for new insights. For feelings of fear and guilt. Enables spiritual observations. In case of over-fatigue. Regulates inflammation and blood pressure. Helps against dropsy and swollen ankles. For tinnitus, dizziness and nervous diseases. 3rd Eye Chakra.
Location: North America, Russia, Brazil, Greenland, Myanmar, France and Romania.
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Tiger's Eye
Stimulates the strength within yourself and provides insight. Makes you more self-confident, less shy and gives you more self-confidence. Activates thinking and provides more certainty. Helps to achieve goals. Protects and helps against negative influences and during short trips. Protection on earthly and spiritual planes. Brings calmness when one becomes nervous about material matters. Provides concentration. Ideal for heavy discussions or exams. Let your reason take action and not your feelings. Strong effect for head and brain, migraine. For asthma, hyperventilation and good for the nervous system. Earth Chakra.
Location: Mexico, India, USA, Australia and South Africa.
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Gemstone pendant drop unakite
The stone of the inner child. Leaving things from the past behind you. Let you enjoy life again. Strengthens the mind and balances emotions. Gives patience and provides a gentle energy. Grounds everything that is needed. Provides better fitness. Makes you express yourself, let go of what's on your mind. Heals the heart, strengthens the liver and spleen. Helps against bile deficiency, vomiting and stomach strengthening. Protects against electrosmog and radiation. Earth and Heart Chakra.
Location: USA and South Africa.
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Falcon's eye (Blue tiger's eye)
Provides more self-confidence. Strengthens vision. Calms and reduces stress. Helps you stay calm in difficult situations. Shows you the bigger picture and is insightful. Has a cooling effect on anger, rage and aggressive behavior. Support and protection on a rational and emotional level. Protects people who are anxious or even have a phobia. Slows down the metabolism. For breathing problems and sexual fears or frustrations. 3rd Eye Chakra.
Location: Mexico, India, USA, Australia and South Africa.
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Joyful and alchemists stone. Dispels gloomy thoughts and for good mood. For contact with higher self. If you have difficulty saying 'no'. Standing in your own power and independently. Also to shine again, learn to enjoy and believe in a bright future. Helps with back problems, hernia, decalcification and tooth decay. Supports pregnancy, can strengthen muscles. For iodine eczema, psoriasis and acne. Cleanses all chakras. Solar Plexus Chakra.
Location: Canada, Norway, USA, Greece and India.
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Black Tourmaline
Cleans, purifies and transforms. Shaman stone. Provides protection and relieves tension. Has a relaxing effect, provides balance and perseverance. Helps against computer, energy radiation and electrosmog. Provides grounding and logical thinking. Dissolves blockages caused by radiation. In case of stress and heavy strain. Reduces negative thoughts and gives self-confidence. For hair loss. Cleanse the aura and balance the chakras. Works through the auric field.
Location: Sri Lanka, Brazil, USA, Africa, Western Australia, Afghanistan and Italy.
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