About Relaxing Spirit

Hi, I am the owner of Relaxing Spirit, Amanda Willemsen.

Relaxing Spirit in Zoetermeer

I am 35 years old, live in Zoetermeer and am a part-time internal supervisor. I am also an animal lover and have two sweet rabbits, named Relax and Spirit. Yes indeed, named after my company. And very clearly a mirror image of my feminine and masculine sides. I am a real Cancer (zodiac sign); sensitive, nurturing to my family and friends, shy, imaginative, loving and a true listener. In addition, a strong intuition and being able to pick up frequencies from others.

I completed the Holistic Therapist and Reiki Trainer training in 2023. I obtained my Reiki Master in March 2022. I obtained my hypnotherapy/coach training in August 2021.

Highly sensitive

Although highly sensitive cannot be diagnosed, I have almost all the characteristics of an HSP. I quickly notice what is really going on and what emotions/pains are being felt. In addition, I often immediately experience the power of gemstones, orgonites, oils and energies. I struggled with this for a long time and still do this sometimes, but I notice more and more quickly what is going on and what I can do about it. Usually I can then return to myself, meditate, Reiki treatment and whatever else is needed. I look forward to helping even more people who also have different characteristics of HSP.

Relaxing Spirit - Zoetermeer


I put my spirituality aside for years, but something was always missing. I notice more and more openness about spirituality and try to help others with this, because it is not so "crazy" at all. Since I was 16, I have been working with my pendulum and insight cards mainly for myself and acquaintances. The first gemstone I had a special experience with was labradorite, as if you were embraced by an angel. I also had a rough experience with Obsidian at the beginning and cried for a whole week, even though I thought this was really a Black Tourmaline for protection. Orgonites have always appealed to me, but I never really had experience with them until I bought everything and started working with it straight away. What energy!

I used to feel, hear and see things that were "not there at all". I didn't understand much of it for a long time and didn't really know what to do/could do with it. In the meantime I know better and I feel much more confident about this. Nowadays I am sometimes called a "witch" (with a bold wink) because I say things that I cannot know at all or that I know things before the person knows them. During New Year's Eve I often already know who is going to die that year, which is intense, but it is also nice for me to be able to take this into account in terms of emotions.

Spiritual growth and development in Zoetermeer


In addition to teaching, I wanted to develop my creativity and spirituality more, that's why I started Relaxing Spirit. First with the orgonites, then more and more products/services and still growing rapidly.

A lot has changed since the start in August 2020 and I have been able to support many others in their journey to self-discovery. I give people tools to process beliefs from the past, to find their own path again and to provide more relaxation. So actually back to your own strength on your own path! Ultimately, everyone can do it themselves, but a little help in the right direction never hurts.