Wat is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

“Reiki is universal love. What you send out comes back to you in abundance.” (Source: The core of Reiki.) Reiki is a simple and loving treatment method that involves the laying on of hands. A major advantage of Reiki is that you do not copy the other person's symptoms during treatment. Think back to your last pain or complaint. What came first to this place? A touch is accompanied by love, it provides peace and receives attention at that moment.

Every body (both human and animal) radiates heat and energy. Everything is energy. Energy is the life force, also called Prana; Ruach; Baraka; Ch'i (Qi); Mana; Called Orgone. In Japan it is called Ki, which is where the name Reiki comes from. Reiki is not associated with a religion, but represents life itself and is much older than any existing religion. Reiki heals the entire person, at every level; Physical, Emotional, Mental, Energetic and Spiritual. Reiki also treats the underlying cause of a complaint or pain. Reiki provides cleansing and activates self-healing capacity. Reiki goes to the right places, where it is needed. “Reiki goes its own way!”

You can't turn Reiki on or off, it's just there. The practitioner functions as a channel of energy, at that moment you are a medium as a practitioner. If the other person refuses the Reiki, you as a practitioner cannot do anything for this person. You don't have to believe in it, just open yourself up to it and see or notice what happens.

The history of Reiki

Mikao Usui, a Buddhist, is the founder of Reiki. Today, the Usui system is still used all over the world. Reiki is present in everyone, but the information about it has been lost.

The story begins in the mid-19th century. Usui was born on August 15, 1865 in southern Japan, in the village of Yamagata. Usui has spent 10 years researching the healing power of Buddhism and Christianity in various countries. Usui is introduced to the healing energy during a fast on Mount Koriyama in Japan. He meditated, fasted and prayed for 21 days. On the last morning he is visited by a projectile of light and loses consciousness; trance. During this trance he receives the Reiki symbols and associated information needed to activate the healing energy. On his way back he heals himself by laying his hands on his stubbed toe, and other people with his hands by laying on hands.

Usui gives this healing energy the name Reiki, which means “universal life force”. He heals many different people, but notes that these people come back after a while. He finds out that people only heal if they really want to, it is their own responsibility. Usui ensured that Reiki was learned and taught very intensively. Usui died on March 9, 1926, was buried at the Saihoji Temple in Tokyo and eventually initiated between 16 and 18 Reiki Masters.

Chuijro Hayashi is one of the people trained by Mikao Usui. He has trained several teams for Reiki treatments in Japan. Hawayo Kawamuru (Takata) receives the Reiki attunements from Hayashi. Takata is spreading this like wildfire all over the world. After Usui, Hayashi and Takata, Reiki has changed and developed considerably. For example, Reiki is often offered differently in the West than in Japan.

Reiki, Mikao usui

What Reiki attunements are there?

Reiki I (initiation) is mainly about the physical level and about yourself. Your health will often improve considerably within the first months after the initiation. You may also treat others. Each attunement you make after the first increases the positive power to pass on Reiki. The initiation always takes place between a teacher and student, it does not resemble a treatment. Reiki II is mainly focused on emotional, mental and karmic levels, you can also treat remotely. You will use three Reiki symbols that you will learn during the initiation. Reiki III (master) is aimed at the spiritual level and you receive spiritual healing during the initiation. You will also learn two Reiki symbols in Reiki III. An additional initiation is required for the Reiki trainer, so that you can also initiate others.

What are Reiki principles?

Reiki uses five simple Reiki principles. These are described in various ways and are said to come from Mikao Usui. The principles are the cornerstones for practicing Reiki. The Reiki principles can be a great support during your spiritual growth and various developments. By starting and ending your day with these positive principles, you will be much more aware of Reiki, the NOW and yourself.

Especially today I am loving.
Especially today I am carefree.
Today I am grateful for everything that comes my way.
Especially today I do my work with dedication.
Especially today I am kind to everyone (myself and others).

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